Getting active on AEGEE-Europe level


In AEGEE-Europe, there are many projects, committees and working groups to be found. Through these groups, you have the chance to work together with AEGEEans from all over Europe and this way you can contribute to the aims of AEGEE.

Working Groups

Do you want to contribute to the aims of AEGEE-Europe? You can do so in a Working Group. Working Groups are responsible for carrying out the thematic aims that are mentioned in the strategic plan of AEGEE-Europe. At this moment, there are four Focus Areas on which AEGEE focuses and that have their own Working Group dedicated to them. These are:




AEGEE has several projects that were set up to realize a specific aim. For example to bring attention to certain subjects, to stimulate a discussion about it and to call for action. Subjects of these projects are, for example, democracy or citizenship.


Committees have a supporting role in AEGEE-Europe. They are vital for AEGEE and form the backbone of the organization, ensuring it to be able to function well. Examples are IT, money control, Human Resources and trainings.

Comité Directeur

AEGEE-Europe is represented by a European board, the Comité Directeur. The CD gets chosen every year during the European General Assembly (Agora) and is formed by AEGEE-members from all over Europe. The board maintains contact with the AEGEE-locals and represents AEGEE-Europe to external parties. The CD lives in Brussels. During our annual Brussels-trip, we visit them to see how everything is going.